Action Step(s) | Person(s) Responsible | Timeline: Start/End | Needed Resources | Evaluation |
1. Train all students how to use the matrix system. | Owen | Students will be trained the first week of school and monitored throughout the year. | Unit matrix | All students are consistently using the matrix system |
2. Utilize matrices daily while teacher monitors students' usage. | Owen | Show students how to consistently use the matrix. | Unit matrix | Students are consistently using the matrix system and their scores show they are meeting standards |
3. Provide specific training to students not utilizing the matrix system. | Owen | Students will be monitored on an ongoing basis and as they need training, it will be provided throughout the year. | Unit matrix | Assessment scores remain high |
4. Solicit feedback from student on effectiveness on matrix system. | Owen | Ongoing | Unit matrix | Feedback from students to determine changes/improvements to the matrix system. |
5. Continue to provide specific training to students not utilizing the matrix. | Owen | Ongoing | Unit matrix | Assessment scores improve |