Monday, July 19, 2010

Week 2 - Slight change of topic

So, after meeting with my principal last week, I've changed my research topic - not drastically but, I think this new change will help me to hone in on specific outcomes for unmotivated students. Our department has really implemented and used the feedback (matrix) system. Each student receives a matrix at the beginning of the unit that tells them exactly what they will (should) know by the end of the unit. I really want to explore ways to motivate the unmotivated students to use the system to their benefit. In using this system they can track the skills they already know and the skills they still need to work on. The key is to show those students that are typically unsuccessful that by using this system, they can become successful in my classroom.

I am really excited to focus on this topic of motivation - especially with the matrix system. In the past, it's always been the kids that make the A on test that are religious about completing the matrix and the kids that failed the test NEVER used the system consistently - only when I was looking (and that's if they could find it).

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