Thursday, August 5, 2010

Updated Action Plan after meeting with supervisor

Tool 7.1 Action Planning Template


Students will be intrinsically motivated to use the matrix system to determine the skills and learning targets they have yet to master. Students will update their matrix and use this system to help them prepare for assessments.

Action Step(s)

Person(s) Responsible



Needed Resources


1. Train all students how to use the matrix system.


Students will be trained the first week of school and monitored throughout the year.

Unit matrix

All students are consistently using the matrix system

2. Utilize matrices daily while teacher monitors students' usage.


Show students how to consistently use the matrix.

Unit matrix

Students are consistently using the matrix system and their scores show they are meeting standards

3. Provide specific training to students not utilizing the matrix system.


Students will be monitored on an ongoing basis and as they need training, it will be provided throughout the year.

Unit matrix

Assessment scores remain high

4. Solicit feedback from student on effectiveness on matrix system.



Unit matrix

Feedback from students to determine changes/improvements to the matrix system.

5. Continue to provide specific training to students not utilizing the matrix.



Unit matrix

Assessment scores improve

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tool 7.1 Action Planning Template


Students will be intrinsically motivated to use the matrix system to determine the skills and learning targets that they have yet to master. Students will update their matrix and use this system to help them prepare for assessments.

Action Step(s)

Person(s) Responsible



Needed Resources


1. Identify students not using the matrix system effectively


1st day of school - students given "dummy" matrix; however students will be constantly identified throughout the year. The end will be when we are done with the units for the year. Students will be identified all year long.

Unit matrix

All students are consistently using the matrix system

2. Daily monitoring


Students are required to have their matrix out during the class period. I will be monitoring the targeted students to confirm they are using the matrix.

Unit matrix

Students consistently using the matrix system and assessment scores improve

3. Flex time workshop on filling out the matrix system with the feedback on starters and quizzes


Ongoing throughout the school year. Once students have mastered using the matrix, they will not be required to attend a flex time workshop.

Flex time is every day except Wednesdays. I will encourage students to sign up for a workshop that helps them understand and use the matrix system.

Unit matrix

Students that were previously not using the matrix system have now started using the matrix system AND their assessment grades are improving.

4. Flex time workshops on using the matrix to help student prepare for assessments



Students will be taught how to effectively use the completed matrix to ensure success on assessments

Students' assessment grades will increase and they will be intrinsically motivated to do well

5. Flex time workshop on effective study habits



Students will be taught different study strategies (conducive to their learning)

Students' assessment grades will improve and they will be intrinsically motivated to do well on assessments

Monday, July 19, 2010

Week 2 - Slight change of topic

So, after meeting with my principal last week, I've changed my research topic - not drastically but, I think this new change will help me to hone in on specific outcomes for unmotivated students. Our department has really implemented and used the feedback (matrix) system. Each student receives a matrix at the beginning of the unit that tells them exactly what they will (should) know by the end of the unit. I really want to explore ways to motivate the unmotivated students to use the system to their benefit. In using this system they can track the skills they already know and the skills they still need to work on. The key is to show those students that are typically unsuccessful that by using this system, they can become successful in my classroom.

I am really excited to focus on this topic of motivation - especially with the matrix system. In the past, it's always been the kids that make the A on test that are religious about completing the matrix and the kids that failed the test NEVER used the system consistently - only when I was looking (and that's if they could find it).

Saturday, July 10, 2010

How can educational leaders use blogs?

As an education leader conducting research, it is important to reflect upon what you have learned or are in the process of learning. Using a blog to organize your thoughts is a great way to open up to other leaders that may be having the same issues or researching the same problems. A blog is a great way to gain insight from other leaders as well as give insight to other educational leaders.

Action Research Description

In reading through the 3 assigned readings for Week one of the Research class, I have discovered that ACTION RESEARCH is clearly one of the most effective ways to ensure that continuously improve student learning. The first stage of ACTION RESEARCH is a normal curiosity for teachers and administrators; what needs to be fixed? This is something that I do everyday in my classroom. I am constantly wondering what I can do to improve the learning of my students. With ACTION RESEARCH, the question doesn't have to stop there. Moving on to phase 2 is where I will start to see how the issue can be solved. What does the literature say about the best way to rectify the situation to ensure that my students are successful? It is important to analyze many different trusted sources. This is something I would do, but it would be sporadically - especially due to the time constraints. However, the readings state that this is such an important part and MUST not be taken lightly. I would even occasionally move to the "Take Action Phase" of the process. During this phase, it is important to make the changes. It is even more important to make changes along the way to meet the needs of the students if the current plan isn't working out - which is why it is very important to reflect along the way. The fourth phase is a time to use and share the results. If something worked well and changed the outcome for students, it is important to reflect upon the process and share those results with others. In the event that the problem wasn't solved, again, it's time to reflect and look back at the process to see what went wrong and how can it be fixed.

For me, the ACTION RESEARCH process has been used, but not in a systemic way which could actually be a benefit to me for future ACTION RESEARCH in seeing what works and what clearly is ineffective for the success of the students.